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Crime Groups In Slovakia

Organized Crime in Central Europe

Crime Groups in Slovakia

The Slovenská mafia is an umbrella term for various organized crime groups operating in Slovakia. These groups are primarily controlled by Slovak interests and engage in a wide range of criminal activities, including drug trafficking, extortion, and murder.

Emigrant Crime Organizations

Balkan crime gangs have established fictitious business structures in the Czech Republic using emigrants from their home countries. These organizations serve as a base for various criminal activities, including human trafficking and money laundering.

Arms Trafficking in the Czech Republic

The Czech Republic is a major source and transit country for illegal arms trafficking. Converted and reactivated firearms are a significant source of illicit weapons in the region.

Chechenskaya Mafiya and Czech Maffia

Chechenskaya mafiya, a Russian crime syndicate, has a presence in Central Europe. In the Czech Republic, the historical organization Maffia Maffie was active during World War I and played a role in the country's independence movement.
